Death and Eternity
A client recently came into the office to have a Will, Durable Power of Attorney and Health Care Directive prepared. He just found out he had cancer, and was given only about a month to live. To say the least, he was in a state of shock. As a lawyer, we are prepared to prepare the proper legal documents for him, but the important issues of life and death, are outside of our legal training.
In talking with him, I had to admit that I could not relate to what he was going through, and could offer him no answers to the questions like “why me?” The one thing I could offer him was the one thing that gives me comfort and confidence in this life, and in the life to come. That is the assurance of my salvation though faith in Jesus Christ. I shared that I have the confidence in going to heaven after my death, not due to who I am or what I have done, but simply because Jesus lived the perfect life that I should be living (but can’t as hard as I try), and died the tragic death that I deserve to have (because of the sinful life I have lived). By putting my faith in Him, believing that He died to pay the penalty for my sin, I am now in right standing with God, and can therefore be in His perfect presence. His resurrection from the dead, can assure me of my life with Him after my death.
The loss and sorrow of death is real, but it is extremely comforting to know that one can go to a better place. Please contact me if your are interested in more information about this, or read the following short track: Where Will You Spend Eternity?