Family Law: Attorney Fees In family law actions (divorce, legal separation or declaration of invalidity), it is typical for the Court to address the issue of attorney fees. By statute, if one party has a need, and the other party has the ability to pay, the Court will order that party to pay a reasonable […]
Spousal Maintenance information and resources related to the Family Law practice.
Calculating Income for Support
Family Law: Calculating Income for Support in Washington In order to calculate child support or spousal maintenance, it is important to have accurate income information of the spouses. The Washington legislature has defined what is and what is not income for child support calculations in RCW 26.19.071, as follows: (1) Consideration of all income. All […]
Criteria for Spousal Maintenance
Family Law: Criteria for Determining Spousal Maintenance in Washington Spousal Maintenance, also known as alimony or spousal support, is designed to provide a means for each party in a divorce to maintain a similar economic lifestyle to that achieved within the marriage. The Washington statute, RCW 26.09.090 sets out the criteria for establishing spousal maintenance […]
Gender Justice in Washington
Family Law: Study of Gender Justice in the Court of Washington In 1989, the Washington State Task Force on Gender Justice in the Courts issued its final report after a 20 month study of the extent and consequences of gender bias in the Washington State Courts, along with its recommendations. This extensive study (several hundred […]
Income of a Self Employed Person
When one party is either self employed or has an ownership interest in a business, there are two issues that typically arise in a divorce case. The first is the parties actual income for child support and spousal maintenance purposes, and the second is the value of the business interest for property division purposes. Frequently […]
Modification of Spousal Maintenance in Washington
The provisions for spousal maintenance in a Decree of Dissolution can be modified if there has been a substantial change in circumstances. An example would be if one or both of the parent’s employment and/or income has substantially increased or decreased, or their physical health has changed such that it effects their ability to earn. […]
Spousal Maintenance
Spousal Maintenance, also known as alimony or spousal support, is designed to provide a means for each party in a divorce to maintain a similar economic lifestyle to that achieved within the marriage. In determining the amount of maintenance to be awarded, the Washington Court may examine the need of the party requesting alimony as […]