Family Law: Divorce Myths There are many common divorce myths that people have heard or assume about what happens in a divorce that are simply not true. Below is a list of some of these divorce myths: Myth 1: Both parties can be represented by the same attorney. This is completely false. Under the ethical […]
Posts by Ed Shoemaker:
Criteria for Spousal Maintenance
Family Law: Criteria for Determining Spousal Maintenance in Washington Spousal Maintenance, also known as alimony or spousal support, is designed to provide a means for each party in a divorce to maintain a similar economic lifestyle to that achieved within the marriage. The Washington statute, RCW 26.09.090 sets out the criteria for establishing spousal maintenance […]
Divorce and Taxes
Family Law: Divorce and Taxes Divorce often presents tax issues that need to be resolved, including those relating to property and debt, spousal maintenance, child support and sometimes previously filed (or yet to be filed) tax returns. Because of the complexity and high stakes associated with divorce and taxes, this area is one in which […]
Calculating Income for Support
Family Law: Calculating Income for Support in Washington In order to calculate child support or spousal maintenance, it is important to have accurate income information of the spouses. The Washington legislature has defined what is and what is not income for child support calculations in RCW 26.19.071, as follows: (1) Consideration of all income. All […]
Criteria for Shared Custody
Family Law: Shared Custody in Washington When the parties separate during a divorce and there are children, the determination of a Permanent Parenting Plan can often be one of the biggest issues to resolve. Frequently the the issue of shared custody/residential time (joint custody) comes up. Historically that concept has been disfavored by the legislature […]
Page Limits in Motion
Family Law: Page Limits in King County Family Law Motion Are your aware that there are page limits on the number of pages you can file in a declaration for a motion for a family law hearing in King County, Washington? Well there are page limits, and it has been in effect for a couple […]
Pretrial Conference in King County Divorce
Family Law: Pretrial Conference in King County, Washington, Divorce In King County Washington, the clerks monitors cases with a Case Schedule to make sure that the parties and their lawyers are ready for trial. The trial judge will typically schedule a Pretrial Conference about a month before the scheduled trial date. The purpose of this […]
Uncontested Divorce
Family Law: Uncontested Divorce in Washington The phrase “uncontested divorce” does not have any legal significance in Washington, it is merely the description of a dissolution action that is not being contested by the other side. There are basically two ways of achieving an uncontested divorce. One is by the agreement of the parties up […]
Does Divorce Make People Happy?
Family Law: Does Divorce Make People Happy? Findings from a Study of Unhappy Marriages Authors: Linda J. Waite Don Browning William J. Doherty Maggie Gallagher Ye Luo Scott M. Stanley Press Release Embargoed Until July 11, 2002, 10:00 AM EST Contact: Mary Schwarz, T. (212) 246-3942 Major New Study: Does Divorce Make People Happy? […]
Counseling in Divorce
Family Law: Counseling in Divorce Purposes of Counseling: Here are some ways that counseling can benefit you and members of your family: Helping you help your children through the breakup of their family. How you act and what you say during the divorce affects your children. Your conduct makes a big difference in how your […]