Are you looking for an experienced attorney to do a DCFS or DSHS (public agency) adoption for you? Washington State Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS) or Division of Social and Health Service (DSHS) are the local public agencies involved in Foster Care services. In previous years, DCFS or DSHS could maintain a listing of adoption attorneys for referral. However, the public agencies may no longer refer you to a proficient adoption attorney.
Our firm has been doing adoptions for 20 years, including DCFS adoption and DSHS adoption. We know the process and the costs. We know the ups and downs you have faced. We want to help you. The cost of your adoption is kept low by our firm, in honor of those adoptive parents who want to complete an adoption plan. Our fees may even be subsidized or reimbursed to you by DSHS. There are many special needs children who want to be adopted. We can do it. There are many adoptive parents who want to adopt through the DSHS adoption program, but they need an attorney to prepare the legal work and be at the adoption hearing with you. That’s what we are trained to do. This is the kind of joyous event we take pride and pleasure in. We would be honored to represent you in your DCFS or DSHS adoption.